Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thing #15 - Library 2.0

I have spent two days reading, and reading and doing some more reading on Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 and my non-technoligical brain crashed. Even though a lot of what was discussed in these articles went over my head, I agree with the basic importance of moving toward becoming a facility that provides Library 2.0 services. The article "Away from the Icebergs" brought up some very good points on "icebergs" that threaten progress toward becoming 2.0 libraries: just-in-case collections, user education, and "come to us" service. First, we will need to redefine our "library collection" (books vs. databases) and reallocate budget funds to accomodate a shift. Second, we need to evauluate how user-friendly our technology is because libraries are not staffed for teaching and training patrons how to use a computer. Third, we need to loose the concept "patrons come to us" for information and find new ways to bring our services to the patrons. I think it is a direction libraries need to plan for.

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